The truth is that you can start anytime in your second trimester. But, many choose to start later, for instance, at 24+ weeks believing that the acquired information and skills will be better remembered if done closer to their EDD.
This will vary based on the type and length of the class series that you choose. It is common for Bradley classes to be a 12 week series, and some Lamaze and Evidence Based Birth classes extend over 6 weeks, while others are done at a more accelerated pace.
One thing to consider is what is your starting knowledge base. Have you worked in the birth world? Have you had a baby before?
Next, do you like to pace yourself and avoid feeling the last-minute crunch? Will you feel more relaxed having time to explore the many related topics around pregnancy, birth, and parenting?
Or, do you have a significant medical condition affecting you or your baby? Starting earlier would most likely benefit you.
An earlier start gives you adequate time to digest and apply the information in order to optimize your pregnancy and birth. It is early in pregnancy that creating good habits related to nutrition and body conditioning will have the most significant positive impact. Taking steps to minimize risk factors can change the trajectory of your pregnancy and birth experience.
Most classes offer access to the materials for several months, so reviewing them as needed is possible. Many childbirth educators also offer a private mentoring session that can be scheduled closer to your EDD to discuss topics related to your current status and more specific questions.
Lastly, most soon-to-be parents are excited to meet and connect with other soon-to-be parents! The village creation should begin early on.
At the other end of the spectrum, it is usually recommended to complete your childbirth classes by 36 weeks. But, it is never too late to get educated about the birth process, postpartum life with a newborn, and breastfeeding.
We see far more stressed new parents when they decided to "wing it". Your birth sets the tone for your new life as a parent. I advise you to not leave it to chance. It is just too important.
If cost is an issue, most childbirth educators have options that include a sliding scale, scholarships and payment plans. Reach out and ask as needed.
A 2020 study cited in the Internatioan Journal of Gynecology & Obstretics concluded that a"participation in childbirth classes has a positive impact on pregnancy outcome".
Overall, 159 patients were included in each group (those who took classes and those who did not). In the group who took childbirth classes they reported a higher rate of normal vaginal delivery and lower rate of vacuum extraction compared to the group who did not attend. By logistic regression analysis, after controlling for obstetrics and socioeconomic variables, participation in childbirth classes was found to be independently associated with successful normal vaginal delivery.
Numerous studies have been done over many decades, and although rates of medical interventions did not differ largely in some earlier studies, those who have taken classes have shown to have higher rates of vaginal birth, use less pain medication, use breathing and other techniques to manage labor and to breastfeed. Positive feelings about their birth experience is another common finding.
Yes! Double yes! It is even more vital in these circumstances.The midwife caring for you during pregnancy and birth will typically require you to take a childbirth class. When giving birth at home or a birth center it is imperative that you have a deep understanding of the process and have the optimum mindset as well as a multitude of coping techniques and loving support. Because, giving birth in these environments precludes the use of pain medication options.
As Sarah Buckley, MD writes, "Undisturbed birth gives us the space to follow our instincts and to find our own rhythm in an atmosphere of support and trust, which will also help to optimize our birth hormones, aiding us further in transmuting pain".
Endorphins are our own natural narcotic-like chemicals that are released in increasing volumes with the increasing intensity of spontaneous contractions. That is, contractions that are not stimlated by the use of synthetic medications like Pitocin or Syntocin.
Childbirth classes are designed to prepare your mindset, your body and your partner for labor, birth and postpartum life with a newborn. You and your partner will increase confidence by learning strategies, positions, and hands on techniques to increase the release of the hormones needed to optimize your laborb and birth.
Absolutely! Your partner or other person who will be providing support to you in labor or postpartum should ideally be actively involved in childbirth classes.
Classes not only teach you about what is happening to your body in labor, but what to expect with your birth environment (hospital, birth center, home) and from your care provider. All of thses elements affect your birth experience. Participating in an interactive class encourages conversations, allows for questions and provides opportunity to practice tools and strategies for labor support.
Your partner has their own unique experience during labor and birth. It is a deeply personal, and emotional journey that commonly strengthens your bond as a couple as well as with the newborn.
For those who will not have a support partner in labor, it is vital to have an understanding of the process you will soon be undertaking. I would highly recommend hiring a labor doula or utilize a close companion who has experience with birth, and invite them to join your classes. The team will be much more effective and your feelings surrounding your birth more positive.
Childbirth educators are not able to bill your insurance company directly, as they are not typically in-network providers.
You will be responsible for the full payment up front (unless you are taking advantage of a payment plan which will vary), and can request a detailed receipt that you can then submit to your insurance company. Be aware that getting your MD to write you a prescription is sometimes a requirement and may increase the likelihood of getting the class fees reimbursed. Check your healthplan's coverage by contacting customer service.
When Lamaze began as a method of childbirth education in 1960, a large focus was on the use of various breathing techniques to cope with the sensations of labor and birth. But, today Lamaze is different, having expanded to much more than a "method". Lamaze International is a non-profit organization, a trusted global leader with a mission to advance safe and healthy pregnancy, birth and early parenting through evidence-based education and advocacy.
The Lamaze philosophy believes that the journey from pregnancy to parenthood is transformative for families. We want parents to be armed with the most current research backed information to help them feel confident in asking good questions and being an active participant in their own maternity care. We want them to make informed decisions and to be in control of their own personal journeys.
Healthy families start much earlier than at the time of birth. Lamaze classes cover pregnancy, labor and birth, early pospartum, early newborn care and early breastfeeding.