Are you new to this whole pregnancy and parenting thing?
Maybe you want to do it differently this time around?
If you feel best when you have all of the most current research at your fingertips and an expert to help you decipher that information, then this is the class for you! This class is appropriate if you plan to birth at home, a birth center or hospital, with or without medications. Besides including the important topics of physiologic birth, what the research shows related to options for care providers, birth settings, and common maternal-child care practices, exploring the pros and cons of choices in childbirth, comfort and relaxation techniques, early postpartum, newborn care and breastfeeding. It is the deeper dive into the research, the development and rehearsal of advocacy skills and the class structure that sets this class apart from others. This is a complete childbirth class. You will have access to the website portal where you will view weekly video assignments and complete quizzes.
Packages range from $400-450 for small group and $500-600 for private classes
Lamaze Childbirth Class
If you feel a bit intimidated by research data and advocacy, and want to do a bit more easing into all of the important birth and parenting topics, then this class if for you! This class is appropriate if you plan to birth at home, a birth center or hospital, with or without medications. There is a strong focus on physiologic birth, what the research shows related to choices in childbirth, exploring the pros and cons of choices, learning comfort and relaxation techniques, communication skills, and early postpartum, newborn care, and breastfeeding. This is a complete childbirth class.
In-Person Format Includes:
Packages range from $450.-500.
Get 20% off any class or service with the purchase of a childbirth class!
The Lamaze® series can be customized into an accelerated class of 1-2 sessions with focus on your topics of choice if you have limited time before your due date. This could be done to prepare for a VBAC, planned cesarean birth or a refresher class if you have baby number 2 or more on the way. There is no one "right" way, yet there is "your" way. If you are unsure about options, let's talk and find what you feel may be your best fit.