Nurse. Lactation Consultant. Perinatal Educator. Mom of 2 Amazing Humans.
Sometimes just having someone in your corner who has been there and has seen and heard it all makes all of the difference in the world.
I want you to exhale deeply and know that you are on your way and doing just fine!
I love to learn about your story and your perspectives.
Our working together is about building a relationship of trust and respect for your needs.
(There isn't a day that goes by in my work that I don't learn something new from you. )

Hi, I'm Sharon!
So, who am I?
That list would include: a mother, a wife, a registered nurse, an educator, an advocate, a mentor, and a very patient listener. The more complete story would include: dog lover, Foo Fighters and 70's pop music fan, upcycling attict and beach lover.
It was the birth of my own 2 sons, over 25 years ago, that ignited my desire to help couples during the amazing time of pregnancy. Like most expectant mothers, I too was nervous of what lay ahead. How would I cope in labor? Did I have what it takes to be a good mother with my busy life?
In our childbirth classes my husband and I learned about the body's perfect design for pregnancy and birth, what to expect, and how to work together. I learned about my own previously untested strengths and was surprised at the depth of closeness we shared as a couple. This confident start is what served us best on this uncharted path to parenthood. I wish this for all birthing people and families.
Currently in my work with new families, I have seen first-hand that those who have taken time to prepare for this truly life-changing event, tend to have more steady footing in their early days of parenting.
Unquestionably, the most beautiful part of my work is to witness parents growing into their unique roles and couples blossoming into a family.
I have been a registered nurse in various specialties for over 35 years, including labor and delivery. I became a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, then completed my HypnoBirthing educator training to broaden my scope of knowledge. My training as an Evidence Based Birth instructor enables me to bring a wealth of important, up to date and well-researched resources to couples, providing their signature childbirth class as well as workshops to nurses and birth professionals.
Currently, in addition to my private practice I provide hospital based prenatal classes and assist new families as a Board Certified Lactation Consultant.
I am completing my certification as a pre- and perinatal educator through APPPAH, (association of pre-and perinatal psychology and health). The focus of their work over the past 40 years is the importance of our early life experience, and how it forms the foundation for our beliefs about ourselves and our world. This is why our care in pregnancy, birth, and early life is most critical to who we become.
My mission is to help you discover your untapped strengths and to prepare you physically, mentally, and emotionally for this next great adventure.
- Sharon Curtin-Bottomley
Registered Nurse, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant,
Lamaze® Certified Educator
Evidence Based Birth® Instructor
Transformed by Birth® Apprentice